We are pioneering a new format for the future with unique and extraordinary content
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Session starts at 0:01 CET
Session ends at 23:59 CET
Extraordinary music sessions without audience, „behind closed doors“
New arrangements and extraordinary combination of musicians
Unique music documetaries and concerts backed by interviews and backstage scenes.
The “Behind Closed Doors”-Sessions started in Berlin, Germany during lockdown in March 2020.
Some of Germany´s top musicians of the electronic scene were invited by Thorsten Quaeschning (Tangerine Dream, Picture Palace Music and met in a club in Berlin, without audience.
Thorsten Quaeschning´s improvisation skills give the guest musicians the space to show their art and talent.
Bringing such different musicians and music genres together creates magical moments in every session.
The 1. season was recorded in Berlin at UFA Fabrik, and streamead every Monday and Thursday between April and June 2020. Due to the hugh success the 2. season was set up in July, recorded in Berlin at Club Lido and streamed between September and November 2020.
Season 1 & 2 are an experience of Electronic & Ambiant music, passion and unique vibes.
Responsible for Session 1 & 2 are the musician Thorsten Quaeschning, the film producer Andreas Bernhardt (bb Film), cameraman Armin Fausten (Kickfilm, Berlin) and concert promoter Thorsten Sohn (MFP concerts)
Season 3.
Due to the rising interest in this format, Thorsten Sohn (MFP Concerts) is extending the idea to other music genres such as Pop, Rock, Hard Rock and Orchestral shows. The Acoustic Fever documentary of season 3, with John Parr, Bobby Kimball & Herman Rarebell is the first of its kind.
A combination of music, interviews and backstage scenes that gives a good impression, of other upcoming formats.
But of course we will continue with electronic / ambiant sessions, as well.
We are pioneering a new format for the future, as we do not know, when all of us will come back to normal again…
Donations for the „Behind Closed Doors“ Project are very welcome and much appreciated, as the production costs are amortized by on demand sales , only.
This project is not subsized and is not part of the air program „Neustart Kultur“, by the German Government, as we are not meeting their escapist guidelines.
Anyways, we will raise the flag of music and will continue to produce content, as long fans, as you like to see the „Behind Closed Doors“ Sessions.
We will issue a contribution receipt for every donation.
Contact us on tsohn@mfpconcerts.com
Thank you